Top 10 CRM personalisations when recruiting university students

tl;dr Data from each student’s Record Card and also from their activities (requests, bookings, applications, etc) can be merged into your outbound communications using Merge Tags.

 A-Z list of merge tags here

A Guide to Personalisation in Student CRM

Welcome to today's exploration of the revolutionary ways we can personalise our communications within the student CRM, courtesy of Dom Yeadon, Founder of Student CRM. This post will distill insights from one of Dom's regular webinars, focusing on the art of personalisation through merge fields and tags. The beauty of this topic is its timeless relevance, making it a treasure trove for both current and future reference.

The Essence of PersonaliSation

Personalisation is not just about addressing someone by their first name. It's about crafting a message that resonates on a personal level. Dom shares insights on how to achieve this by integrating student data seamlessly into communications. From using basic merge fields to sophisticated tags that tailor every message, the webinar covered ground that is essential for anyone looking to refine their communication strategy.

Why PersonaliSation Matters

In an era where attention is a scarce commodity, personalisation can be the key to breaking through the noise. It's about acknowledging the recipient as an individual with unique needs and preferences. According to Dom, personalisation can significantly enhance engagement and response rates, making it a crucial strategy in student communication.

Want to skip the video and get straight to the Top 10 merge tags?

  • #10: Known As = [xxxStudent.known_as|Student.first_namexxx] - For example: my given name is ‘Dominic’, however, I prefer to be known as ‘Dom’. Seeing as this ‘known as’ data comes across on my UCAS form, why not use it?

  • #9: Establishment Name = [xxxEstablishment.establishment_namexxx] - For example, if your university changes its name, then this will require you to manually change every touchpoint sign off unless you are using this establishment name merge tag. Then it will update immediately as you change it in your Establishment Card.

  • #8: Course URL = [xxxCourse.urlxxx] - For example, if you’re recruiting to courses that aren’t validated yet, are likely to change - this is a great way of pointing your students to the freshest info without having to recreate content in templates. It's also a CTA that you can track in terms of website traffic (if you add UTMs).

  • #7: Date formatting = [xxxPodInvite.event_date|format=l jS \of F Yxxx] - For example, format any merged dates as: Tuesday 1 October 2019, Tue 1 Oct 2019, Tuesday 1st of October 2019, Tuesday 1st October 2019, or 01.05.2019. Just use the format tags here. NB: Tag above displays this format: “Tuesday 1st of October 2024”.

  • #6: Event Name = [xxxMecMobileEvent.event_namexxx] - For example, you are using Event activity types so you can now use the event name and location knowing that you're going to merge this into follow up comms to reinforce the relationship you just instigated “Hey “name” was great to see you today at “location”, “Event name” - can't wait to see you at one of our open days in the future! Make it stick!

  • #5: Programme Timetable = [xxxProgramme_timetablexxx] - For example, whether you are running a highly unique day for each student - or a singular homogenous day - doesn't mean it can’t feel highly personal! Share their programme timetable and make them feel special.

  • #4: Booking Link = [xxxInvitee.booking_confirm_linkxxx] - For example: if you want students to be able to View, Edit or Cancel their bookings, just add a link back to the booking detail within any touchpoint. It can even be the link behind a button. Read more here.

  • #3: Student MIS code = {|Student_Mis_Code|} - For example: link to an online welcome pack, video, or other item personalised for each of your students. Read more here.

  • #2: UCAS Applicant Ref = [xxxStudent.ucas_applicant_refxxx] - For example: when sending out invitations for Applicant Days, use this merge tag to display each student’s UCAS Personal ID in their invitation. This allows them to quickly log into the Applicant Open Day booking form and make their booking without having to look it up first.

  • #1: Event Joining Instructions = [xxxEvmEvent.joining_instructions_textxxx] - For example: we sent you the Zoom joining instructions in our EVM touchpoints for this webinar using this merge tag.

Dom's webinar was a goldmine of practical tips.

Here's a concise rundown of the top strategies:

  1. Merge Tags Mastery: Learn the art of using merge tags effectively to insert student-specific data into your messages. This could be anything from their name to details about their course or application status.

  2. Evergreen Content: Crafting messages that remain relevant over time ensures your effort today continues to pay dividends in the future.

  3. Simplicity in Execution: Don't overcomplicate your messages. The aim is to communicate clearly and directly, using personalisation to enhance the message rather than overshadow it.

  4. The Power of the 'Known As' Field: A simple yet impactful tip involves using the 'known as' field from applications to address students by their preferred names, making your communications instantly more personal and engaging.

  5. Event-Specific Customisations: For events, including webinars or open days, using personalisation to provide specific details like event names, locations, and times can make your communications much more effective.

  6. Utilising the MIS Code: Integrating the Management Information Systems code can personalise content at a granular level, offering tailored experiences based on the student's unique journey.

  7. UCAS Applicant Ref: Leveraging the UCAS Applicant Reference number can streamline processes for the student, making it easier for them to access personalised information or complete necessary actions.

  8. Smart Utilisation of Data: From course URLs to birthday messages, every piece of data you have on a student can be a tool for personalisation, used wisely to enhance their experience and your communication's effectiveness.

  9. Template Building: A well-constructed template that incorporates merge tags can save time while ensuring that each message feels personal and relevant.

  10. Continuous Improvement: Personalisation is not a set-and-forget strategy. It requires ongoing refinement and adaptation based on feedback and evolving best practices.

Implementing Best Practices

Dom's insights also extended to best practices for implementing personalisation strategies. Key takeaways include the importance of not overdoing it, prioritising your communications for personalisation, using customer support as a resource for optimisation, and always exploring new ways to integrate personalisation into your strategy.

The Bottom Line

Personalisation is a powerful tool in the arsenal of student communications. By adopting and adapting the strategies shared by Dom Yeadon, institutions can not only improve their engagement rates but also build deeper, more meaningful connections with their students. As we continue to navigate the complexities of communication in the digital age, let us remember the power of a personalised touch.

🚀 Happy recruiting!
Dom Yeadon

Student CRM's Founder, Dom Yeadon, brings unparalleled experience and insights to the world of student recruitment. With decades of marketing, student recruitment, and higher education-specific services under his belt, Dom is uniquely positioned to offer the best advice on engaging students and driving recruitment success.

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Why Dom Yeadon's Expertise Matters


  • Dom Yeadon has a proven track record in marketing that spans several decades.

  • His experience and understanding of marketing principles and strategies ensure that the advice and insights provided in the eNewsletter are backed by a solid foundation.


  • With years of hands-on experience in student recruitment, Dom has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by UK universities.

  • His expertise enables him to provide practical and effective solutions to address the unique needs of higher education institutions.


  • Dom's dedication to the higher education sector has led him to focus exclusively on providing services tailored to the needs of UK universities.

  • This specialisation allows him to offer targeted advice and strategies that can have a significant impact on student recruitment efforts.


  • At the heart of Dom's work is a genuine passion for helping universities improve their recruitment processes and achieve their goals.

  • His commitment to the success of UK higher education institutions ensures that the insights and guidance offered in the eNewsletter are both relevant and valuable.