Student CRM - Sandbox

Why do universities say this is the easiest CRM they have ever used? Click to book a remote demo and see for yourself! :)


Don’t want to pollute your live Student CRM with test data?

Get a sandbox.

Each Sandbox is a completely separate fully working version of your live Student CRM, and is provided to allow Customers to run tests in a safe environment without affecting any data or settings in their live Student CRM.


It runs a copy of your current Student CRM codebase on a unique URL, and includes a copy of the existing live settings (your University’s Faculties, Depts, Marketing Units, Apps, Occurrences, Courses & Subjects, Workflows, Touchpoints, Templates, any required Web Forms, etc).

If you need to try out a new configuration for next season, but don’t want to pollute your live Student CRM with test students, applications, enquiries or new settings, we can spin up any number of sandboxes for you and your ITS to run tests in.