“7 things I wish I had known before I bought our university CRM”

(says almost every university)

Introduction: the importance of the right fit in CRM selection

Choosing a student recruitment CRM for your university isn't just about buying software - it's about finding a cornerstone for engagement and efficiency. The right CRM can be as crucial as the perfect pair of running shoes in a marathon: slop around in size 14 wellies, and you're in a world of pain.

Here, I share crucial insights - gathered from hard-won experience - to guide you to the CRM that fits just right, enhancing your operations from day one.

OK, let’s get into those 7 insights:

1. Quick and effective CRM implementation

A rapid deployment is within reach. You don't need to block out months on your calendar; if the groundwork is right, your new CRM can be operational in just 28 days. Key to this is not just choosing the right CRM, but preparing your teams and processes for a quick transition, and working with a supplier who has a proven 28-day process.

Example to Avoid: Don’t let your university's CRM rollout stretched unnecessarily over twelve to twenty-four months due to vague milestones and a lack of coordination, disrupting your entire recruitment cycle.


2. Staying within budget: no surprises

Financial nightmares aren't mandatory. Define your needs, set a strict budget, and stick to it. Scope creep and 'unexpected' costs can be mitigated with foresight and clear contractual boundaries.

Example to Avoid: You need to avoid this nightmare: “a 40% budget overrun because additional 'necessary' features were identified mid-implementation, which weren't originally budgeted for.” Not a great update report to your steering committee!


3. Utilising ready-made solutions

Efficiency doesn't start from scratch. Adopting established templates and practices can save you time and money, reducing the need for extensive customisation and the risks associated with it. Expect webforms, application forms, portals, email templates, and workflows that have been proven to be effective already.

Example to Avoid: Why double your setup costs and timeline by insisting on bespoke features that replicates the functionality of available templates?


4. Trust the demo, question the promises

What you see should be what you get. If a feature isn't working in the demo, don't count on it being developed later. Promises are risky and can result in a CRM that doesn't meet your needs. Only accept future features if they are on an official Product Roadmap with a track record of successive new feature releases.

Example to Avoid: Don’t be left with an inadequate system when the promised comprehensive reporting features fail to materialise.


5. Locking in pricing

Future-proof your budget. Secure your costs at the outset to avoid unexpected price hikes. A fixed-cost contract can protect your financial planning from market fluctuations.

Example to Avoid: Your university doesn’t need the agony of facing an unexpected budget strain when your CRM costs rise by 30% after the first year due to failing to lock in pricing.


6. Avoiding scope creep

Discipline is key. Maintain focus on your essential needs and resist the temptation to expand the project mid-flow, which can lead to cost blowouts and delivery delays. I can count on one hand the big universities who have aimed for the ‘one giant CRM that does it all’ and actually pulled it off.

Example to Avoid: Don’t accommodate every department's wish list, otherwise your CRM project scope balloons, up to tripling the projected costs and timeline.


7. The value of experienced support

Support is not a luxury—it's a necessity. Having reliable experts ready to assist you can make the difference between a minor hiccup and a major disruption.

Example to Avoid: Why let a lack of adequate support turn minor technical issues into major disruptions for your users, adversely affecting the whole CRM experience?


The journey to selecting the right CRM doesn't have to be fraught with uncertainty and risk. Definitely worth reading this: Where choosing David over Goliath makes sense for University CRMs

Armed with these insights, you can navigate the complex market, identify a CRM that fits your university like a glove, and implement it without the drama typically associated with such a significant change.

Choose wisely -the right CRM will streamline your operations and enhance your engagements, proving itself an invaluable asset to your institution. Many UK university users rely on Student CRM to help them recruit more students. Their reviews speak for themselves.

🚀 Happy recruiting!
Dom Yeadon

Student CRM's Founder, Dom Yeadon, brings unparalleled experience and insights to the world of student recruitment. With decades of marketing, student recruitment, and higher education-specific services under his belt, Dom is uniquely positioned to offer the best advice on engaging students and driving recruitment success.

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Why Dom Yeadon's Expertise Matters


  • Dom Yeadon has a proven track record in marketing that spans several decades.

  • His experience and understanding of marketing principles and strategies ensure that the advice and insights provided in the eNewsletter are backed by a solid foundation.


  • With years of hands-on experience in student recruitment, Dom has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by UK universities.

  • His expertise enables him to provide practical and effective solutions to address the unique needs of higher education institutions.


  • Dom's dedication to the higher education sector has led him to focus exclusively on providing services tailored to the needs of UK universities.

  • This specialisation allows him to offer targeted advice and strategies that can have a significant impact on student recruitment efforts.


  • At the heart of Dom's work is a genuine passion for helping universities improve their recruitment processes and achieve their goals.

  • His commitment to the success of UK higher education institutions ensures that the insights and guidance offered in the eNewsletter are both relevant and valuable.