Student CRM - Consultancy

Why do universities say this is the easiest CRM they have ever used? Click to book a remote demo and see for yourself! :)


Universities buy consultancy days for one of the following reasons:

Process Review - where a departmental team has previously been using a different CRM or no CRM at all, they have already developed a way of working that gets the job done. These processes are discussed and your consultant will identify opportunities to increase effectiveness when running those processes with Student CRM's automated workflows.

'What is Possible' Workshop - your team that procures Student CRM rarely contains all the key users, and this can leave a knowledge gap between those who bought it and those who will use it. This is a common issue. This workshop covers: setting expectations, agreeing a common vision, working relationships, departmental needs, legislative compliance and a 12-month plan.

Training Needs Assessment - This assessment surveys the Student CRM knowledge, skills, and abilities your users currently have and identifies any gaps where extra training would be effective in helping them achieve your departmental aims and objectives.