Student Database
This is where each central student record is created and automatically updated in real time by your recruitment activities.
Against each student's Record Card the following (not exhaustive) list of data is stored and available in apps and via APIs in our Dev Centre:
Personal details: including name, photo, address, postal, email, telephone and mobile channels, contact permissions, dob, age, gender, occupation, etc.
Academic: Subject and courses interested in, applications, enrolments, graduations, etc.
Activities: inbound and outbound interactions with your recruitment activities, visits, open days, event attendances, enquiries, meetings, interviews, notes, messages, calls, tasks, all campaigns that student has been sent, etc.
Files: documents uploaded by officers, applicants, agents or students.
Logs: forensic audit trail of who did what, when and how.
System: various system fields
Each interaction is automatically logged against each student record. As you attract new students, these new details are added to your database either via your web forms or manually entered by your officers in the CRM.