Plymouth College of Art - "Student CRM has been fantastically helpful and supportive in every step of the process"

Purchasing a new CRM can be a scary experience; the investment is significant and there often is a concern about the internal resources required to implement in your University. Plymouth College of Art had these concerns when first signing up.

Student CRM understands and supports universities throughout.

"Student CRM has been fantastically helpful and supportive in every step of the process - from tender through to set up.

Replies to questions have been speedy and informative and the training sessions have been supportive. Our team has been very excited about the next steps and are confident in their ability to use the system.

The integration with the existing Student Records System was smooth with all technical queries addressed - it was a much faster process than we had anticipated. We can already see gains in our ability to deliver effective communications to students and also have a holistic overview of their journey."

Carolyn Deeming, Head of Student Recruitment
