Using your university CRM during Clearing

We all know that Clearing is a stressful time - for you, for the students you’re trying to help, for everyone involved. That’s why Student CRM’s Customer Support team puts your mind at rest.

Be prepared: checking your Wants before they become Needs

We might not be able to pass the tissues, but we can support you in other ways. By discussing your Clearing activities with us early on, we’ll know where, when and how best to allocate resources. Need a form change rushed through, or some advice on a complicated setup? We’ll have the right people in place at the right time to get it all done. So on the day, all you need to focus on is getting that placement for a student who will change the world.

Availability outside normal hours

Got an urgent question on Saturday morning? Brain a bit frazzled at 7pm on Monday? Don’t worry - not only is brain-fade normal, but there is someone here in our offices to answer any questions about the system that your frazzled self needs to ask.

DND: No New Launches over Clearing

Seems like a no-brainer, huh? Don’t do anything that could impact the functionality of a system during an important peak time. And yet many companies still seem to do it, like a commerce site amending an order form during the Christmas run-up. That’s why we’ve made a solemn pledge to never do anything disruptive during the peak Clearing weeks.

Student CRM helped The University of Brighton through Clearing 2019 - without incident.

Interested in how we could help you through Clearing?

Student CRM at CRM Network HE Conference

The CRM Network HE is an information-sharing network for people within the Higher Education section working specifically with CRM technologies. We’re delighted to announce that Dom will be speaking at the second CRM Network HE Conference on 12th July.

In his session, “How to 10x your student enquiry satisfaction rate with Student CRM”, Dom will share practical tips on how to boost your enquiry satisfaction rate by ten times, while at the same time delighting your Enquiries Officers. Every attendee will walk away with Dom’s “7 University Rules for Enquiry Management Mastery” tip sheet.

Dom looks forward to seeing you there.

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Agent Portal - Now in any colour (including black!)

Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, "Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants, so long as it is black."

Unlike Mr Ford, we let you pick your own colours and upload your own design to match your university’s branding - in Agent Portal from Student CRM.

When your overseas agents log in, they see every application they have submitted and can submit new applications in seconds. Your colours continue inside the portal too.

Maximise the impact of your university’s branding in Agent Portal from Student CRM.

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Interested what a dedicated UK HEI agent management solution could do for your international recruitment numbers?

Congratulations to 2019 graduates at Leeds College of Music!

We’re pleased to be sponsoring the Leeds College of Music Graduation Event this year at the First Direct Arena Leeds on 24 July 2019.

Book tickets here:

At a time when hundreds of graduans prepare to graduate in front of proud parents, peers and conservatoire staff, we’re thrilled to be helping make that day a little more magical.

Leeds College of Music put on one of the most creative graduation events around, featuring on-stage, live performances from the very best final year students, in what will be another stunning occasion.

Dom Yeadon, Student CRM founder and Managing Director will be attending the luncheon and the afternoon event, and presenting two special academic prizes.

Photo by Kaique Rocha

Which enquiry channels do your students prefer?

Inbound emails, online forms, telephone calls, and walk-ins off the street - a good enquiries officer knows a question can come from any direction. Knowing where your enquiries come from helps you plan your resources for different times of the year.

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With the Enquiries by Channel report from Student CRM, you can do exactly that. Now you can process seven enquiry channels with ease.

Are your officers satisfying their enquirers?

We know that it’s important for your Enquiry Officers to give good advice to those students who come to them for help. You don't want them just rote processing questions from potential students. But how do you keep an eye on the satisfaction of your enquirers?

With the new “Feedback by Category” report from Student CRM, you can get a better idea of how your teams are performing. This report shows you your Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score per team allowing you to measure how satisfied your enquirers are.

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Think clearer, more collaborative reports would help your enquiries team?

How your university officers handle both sweet and sour student enquiries

Sweet and sour student enquiries

When you are managing new student enquiries all day every day, you come across all types of enquiry. From the sweetest and most grateful to the sourest and hardest to please. Not easy.

We find that each officer managing enquiries in Student CRM is typically maintaining up to 25 open conversations with student enquirers at any one time. So they need quick and reliable tools that help them deal with all eventualities. They need to switch style and approach to help each student feel like they have connected with a real human being who listens and cares.

Not a bot. Not a fan of bots.

Give me real people very time.

Example of an ‘01. Anything else I can help with?' signature.

Example of an ‘01. Anything else I can help with?' signature.

One size does not fit all

Depending on each enquiry you should be able to drop in any of your saved signatures, each one with a different purpose, ie:

  • '01. Just looking into that for you' (holding whilst you ask an expert or a colleague).

  • '01. Anything else I can help with?' (you think it's all wrapped up but want to check before closing).

  • '01. Thank you and bye' (you are closing this now as the student appears satisfied).

  • '01. Screamer' (student is irate so you empathise and reassure you are working to resolve the issue as a priority).

  • '01. Sweetie' (student is very pleased, so you ask her to spread the love on social media with links).

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Help! How do I know if I am buying the right student recruitment solution?

This article was written by our CRM guru Ben. It's long-form and old school, but all the better for it: it captures the essence of why Student CRM appeals today.


If you are looking to replace your current student recruitment and marketing solution, you will be aware it can be a little daunting and challenging.

You will be nervous about making a mistake and buying the wrong system, be concerned about the amount of time and resource it takes to implement and be thinking "what if it all goes wrong?".

Well, guess what? You are not alone.

We have this conversation on a weekly basis. You want to minimise risk, maximise your ROI and ensure you don't have an awkward conversation with the purse holder as to why you are now stuck in a long contract with a system that doesn't help you attract, engage and recruit students.

Below are a couple of the conversation topics we discuss with Universities in the early stages who are looking to procure a new solution and how we think Student CRM helps.

Hopefully, it will address some of the concerns you have, answer some of your questions, and help remove that fear of buying the wrong solution. We'd love to chat with you over a coffee about Student CRM. After all, we (and the many Universities who are using it right now) think it's pretty darn good.

However, if you just want a chat about the CRM world, what we think is happening in student recruitment and what the future looks like, get in touch. We'll provide the knowledge, you provide the coffee (and biscuits).

1 - Platform or Solution? 

Student CRM is a solution: built, tested and already being used by dozens of UK universities right now. This means it's ready to go.

The other option is a platform which will usually require you to "build" onto it and tailor it to your needs.

Our customers have chosen to go down the Solution route as they don't want ongoing costs, the resource drain needed to support a large platform system and the man-hours needed to tailor it to their requirements. They just want something that works, does the job they need it to do and they know they have a system that is built for the exact job they need.

2 - Fit for purpose?

Let's be honest, recruiting students is pretty up there when it comes to important things for a University to get right.

We have seen this is an increasingly competitive sector with its own unique challenges, so why would you risk getting a system that wasn't built for the job?

Student CRM is built specifically for the UK HE sector. We are based here in the UK (in sometimes sunny Dorset). Our Customer Support and Technical Support team are based here, in the same office (believe it or not, our technical support team aren't even in the basement underneath the office with no natural light, they are on the same floor as us!).

We have worked in this sector for over a decade and we think we have a pretty good understanding of what our clients want. We only work with UK Universities and other UK based HEIs.

Why don't we work with Universities in America for example?

Well, how can we say we are experts in our field, or understand what our customers want, or be proud of the service levels we give our customers when we are thousands of miles away in a different country? How can we give the very best service and technical support if our staff don't even work the same hours as our customers? We can't! So we have ensured that we become experts in the UK HE sector and provide our customers with a solution that has been built with them in mind.

3 - Enterprise-wide or recruitment specific?

Sometimes we speak to customers who aren't yet sure what they're looking for. Would a single system that covers all possible areas of the student journey from recruitment through to accommodation and finance be better than one that focuses on the recruitment side and talks to other "in-life" systems?

We provide the latter here.

Student CRM concentrates on the first point of contact through to enrolment and then we pick up again at alumni. We integrate with other solutions such as your Student Records System to cover the entire student journey.

Why have we chosen this way? We know student recruitment like the back of our hand and want to provide a "best of breed" solution that talks to other "best of breed" solutions to provide the user and student with the best experience possible (that was a lot of "bests" in one sentence!). The thought of a customer putting all of their eggs in one basket and using (and funding) a system that was just "okay" in all areas didn't seem like a good outcome for our customers.

A simple way of putting this: in football, the striker doesn't take the goal kicks, doesn't take all the throw-ins, doesn't go in goal to save the penalties, doesn't manage the team from the sideline... they do what they do best, score goals. They work seamlessly with their teammates who have the perfect skills for other positions to help win the game but stick with what they are good at.

4 - What's the future look like?

This is coming up time and time again when we speak to customers who are looking to move away from their current system, often because it has become clunky, stale and hasn't changed with the times.

How do you know if the solution provider will keep enhancing the system and add new functionality that will help you?

Firstly, this shows the importance of knowing the sector and knowing your customers. We know the sector really well. But we aren't working at student recruitment fairs. We don't speak to international agents on a daily basis. We don't send out campaigns to students every week.

So how can we provide our users with a solution that not only meets their requirements but removes their pains both now and in the future? We speak to them (remember that old school thing called speaking to each other?)! Our customers have created a User Group who meet every other month to discuss best practice, share feedback and tell us what they want to see in the solution.

This means not only can we give our users a system that is fit for purpose, but we can also confidently say it meets our user's needs and removes their pains as they have told us what would help them do their job. These suggestions then get put into the Roadmap and our customers vote on what functionality or enhancements they want to happen first.

A simple activity that is so powerful. Why would you want a solution that firstly wasn't created for the sector you are working in, but secondly is guessing what functionality you want (probably from another country)?

Hopefully, you find the above helpful and it has been thought-provoking. What I lack in content writing, Student CRM more than makes up for in student recruitment and marketing!

We'd love to chat to you and discuss your pains with student recruitment. We can then show where we can help you meet your targets, and you can be the toast of your team for being the person who introduced them to Student CRM. Get in touch now on 01202 237406. What have you got to lose?

Success is built-in for some students

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Australia. United States. Zimbabwe.

Some students will go far. Others come from afar. World class students need world class institutions, and for the best education they’ll go where they need to.

With Student CRM you have the tools to reach out to these far-off students, pique their curiosity, and help them start their journey to further education.

(Just remember Time Zones exist…)

One look and you know this graduate will shake things up

Everyone approaches things in their own style, but sometimes we can mistake that style for something else.

The student who seems too controversial may be the student who’s asking the hard questions. The student who’s ‘too brash’ is trying to get to the heart of the matter. The student who’s seen as unconventional is looking for new solutions to old problems.

These are tomorrow’s movers and shakers.

When you meet them, you’ll want to recruit them swiftly. With Student CRM you have the tools to do just that.

We help you recruit students who will change the world

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From Open Day to Alumni, to the breakthrough in their chosen Industry, Student CRM helps you pave the way for world-changing students.

The tools in Student CRM are built around recruitment specialists - people like you. They’re designed specifically to streamline and maximise your working day. Automation shoulders the tedium of touchpoints, and each app draws the student through the recruitment process with ease, leaving you more time for other things.

Looking forward to her best open day ever

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Automated welcome emails sent out? Check.

Student Ambassadors trained with the booking-in app? Check.

SMS primed in case of emergency? Check.

Looking forward to your best open day ever? Check!

There’s no denying that open days are hectic, but with Student CRM you have the tools to manage your event with confidence and ease.

(Sorry, we can’t help with the cat herding)

How small nudges tackle "Summer Melt"

“Summer Melt” may not be a new phenomenon, but it’s only relatively recently being tackled effectively by student recruitment officers. Wikipedia defines Summer Melt as,

“The phenomenon of prospective low-income or minority students' motivation to attend college "melting" away during the summer between the end of secondary school and beginning of Higher Education, ... [due to] lack of resources, support, guidance, and encouragement.”

This US study found that many of these students are either daunted by, or simply do not even know, what steps to take at what times to further their journey into Higher Education.

Fortunately this has a simple fix: the process of Nudging.


Nudges are simple touchpoints, typically via SMS, that gently remind the student of the next step they need to take as part of their application, or simply as reassurance that the next few weeks ahead hold no surprises.

Often students most susceptible to Summer Melt are those from low income or disadvantaged families, where they may be the first generation to go to university, or not have access to a computer to pick up emails. As such, they won’t have anyone to guide them through the application process, and they may miss a key step over the summer.

Using the automated touchpoint system in Student CRM, recruitment officers can send out these “nudges” to students who may become unwary victims of summer melt.

But use caution, as this can be a double-edged sword.

Too many “nudges”, and the important bits gets lost in the noise. Within Student CRM tyhe ‘Personas’ feature can help highlight who would most benefit from nudging touchpoints, while a range of tools within the system allows you to keep track of the student’s application at every stage.

The trick is to understand your Student CRM data, and draw up a thoughtful and balanced approach to nudging touchpoints, in a way that benefits the student.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Student CRM might be able to help you, please do get in touch.

Large photo by Loïc Fürhoff on Unsplash

Communicate More with Your Students

Did you know Student CRM has more communication channels than any other student recruitment CRM?

Besides the standard email touchpoint, Student CRM helps you communicate via three extra methods. Use SMS messages to send information to students on the go, or generate labels for invitation postcards. Letters can add an air of personalisation to prospectuses, or provide Open Day information for passing to parents.

The best part is all this is controlled by you. You have control over how your touchpoints look, when they'll send, and if you want to focus on who receives them. Unlimited creation and "draft" status means that you can duplicate and test to your heart's content, with no fear of accidentally sending something you shouldn't.

If this sounds like something you'd like to be able to do, book a demo today.

Photo by Mario Caruso on Unsplash

Announcing the Event Day Scanner app (iOS and Android)

Event Day Scanner is a powerful new app that helps take away the stress of registering visitors to your university’s events.


Gone are the days of struggling with sheaves of paper, gremlin-infested handheld barcode scanners, or other clunky methods. Instead, this simple app works on smartphones and tablets, on iOS and Android, to quickly and easily get your attendees registered and marked as attending in Student CRM.

Now your student ambassadors can use their own smartphones to securely scan thousands of visitors’ barcodes, right across the campus. All registrants get instantly synced into the Cloud to give you real-time reporting throughout the day.

Founder and Managing Director Dom Yeadon commented:

“Your university’s student ambassadors can now quickly scan visitors’ barcodes to register attendance using nothing more than an ordinary smartphone or tablet, eliminating any need for special hand-held scanners or software.

This finally fixes the long-standing pain of fighting gremlins seemingly built into every third-party handheld barcode scanner we have ever recommended to our users.

Plus, this app is free.”


With Event Day Scanner you’ve one less thing to worry about. Discover more ways Student CRM can make your recruitment easier.

Student recruitment software shaped by real users with a passion

It’s no secret that behind many a great invention is a group of fans, driving it forwards.

Student recruitment software isn't something you'd think of as having fans, but we can assure you they're out there. Spread throughout the UK's universities are a group of passionate folks who've invested time and energy to help Student CRM be the success it is today.

Student CRM’s User Group is that collection of vested folk, made up of universities' student recruitment professionals. Meeting bi-monthly, at a different host university each time, the User Group gathers to discuss a myriad of topics related to their use of Student CRM. From debating new features intended to benefit all users of the system, to sharing best-practice tips and tricks with new members, the User Group focuses on helping make Student CRM better for everyone.

Tired of being ignored by your current student recruitment software vendors? Interested in meeting the members of our User Group?

Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash