Use Facebook to drive your open day traffic

Universities can now benefit from a new call to action button to drive student traffic from their Facebook page to book onto their open days with Student CRM.

A simple 'Book Now' button on your cover photo can convert your social media fans into open day bookings in just a couple of clicks. It works really well with our Pre-Applicant Open Day app, Applicant Open Day app and Event Manager app to increase your number of online bookings.

With thousands of Facebook followers it makes sense to add the new button and watch your bookings and conversions increase.


TIP: Theme your Facebook cover photo to promote your open day.

Facebook will show you exactly how many clicks your button has received and if you have Google Analytics on your form, you can see how many form completions were referred by Facebook.

Another idea is to add a 'Contact Us' button and link to your Student CRM Enquiries form or Rapid Response form.

If you'd like to know more about how Student CRM can enhance your student recruitment just use our online chat below to speak with one of our team of experts, or call us on 01202 477855.