Newsletter: Make 5 tiny touchpoint changes to increase student engagement

Hi Dom

Make 5 tiny touchpoint changes to increase student engagement

Definition: touchpoints are automated messages sent at just the right time to a student who is on the journey from enquiry to enrolment. These messages can be sent via numerous different channels but, in this issue I will deal with the most common... email.

1. Personalise that subject

We all like seeing our name in lights. Only the most disciplined yogi doesn’t get a micro dopamine hit when they see that a third party has recognised them as an individual. TIP: merging the student’s first name into the subject line is an easy one to start with.

2. ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ vs ‘Your open day booking is confirmed, Dom!’

Upgrade your (safe/traditional/off-putting) opening greeting to include not only the first name but also a ‘focus phrase’ that pulls the student into the next line. TIP: in only a few words tell a colleague what this touchpoint is about, and there you have it... your focus phrase. Try it.

3. Why me? Why now?

Just because you think it’s a good idea to send out a touchpoint 7 days after the student has booked, enquired, etc, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the student will recall what they did 7 days ago. Assume that, unless you explain ‘why them, why now’ this email will be unexpected and hence will be met with indifference at best. TIP: if you can’t come up with what the purpose of this message is (purpose must mean value to the student, not to you!) then don’t send it. Work it.

4. Understanding why the herd instinct builds strong bonds

Birds of a feather really do flock together. Reassure the student that their questions and concerns are perfectly acceptable and commonplace amongst their peer group. TIP: include the answer to one common question to show the student that not knowing is normal and OK as everybody else is in the same position as them.

5. Be a visible human with a purpose, not a bot following rules.

Your touchpoint needs to be short, friendly and signed off informally by a helpful human not a cold bot on rails. TIP: remove the corporate passion killer footers ‘this message has been scanned for viruses...’, ‘if you are not the intended recipient...’, ‘the views of the author do not represent the University...’, etc. Avoid virtue signalling toss like ‘we plant a tree for every email sent...’ and just sign off ‘Mickey, your friend at ABC University’.

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I am Dom Yeadon, the Founder and Managing Director, as well as the author of this Student CRM newsletter, so feel free to get in touch with any questions or suggestions. Thank you.
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