Green Square
Our product vision is to put you, the user, directly in charge of everything you need to configure and use Student CRM.
This keeps Student CRM clearly out in front when it comes to ease-of-use and immediate ROI on software expenditure.
As a team, whenever we work on any improvements in Student CRM we think ‘Green Square’. We recall this image and make changes that move everything up and to the left, into the green square.
This lets us move users away from any remaining legacy MANAGED service (the 2 boxes on the right) and towards a DIY service (the 2 boxes on the left) , and from a COMPLEX solution (bottom left) to a SIMPLE one (top left).
Back when our customers asked us to do the ‘difficult things’
For example: when we started, our customers asked us to do the ‘difficult things’ for them, such as setting the validation and conditions in a student’s enquiry web form. It was often stated as, “if the student enters (this) then the web form should change to now show or do (this).”
So we used to provide these code changes as a managed service and both we and our customers would be happy.
However, over time, things inevitably changed.
1. Our customers wanted to take more control over changes, and they could no longer wait for our team to deliver the changes requested.
2. Our software got easier to use, faster and more powerful, making difficult and complex tasks, easy and instant.
So we moved from the blue squares into the green square.
Now our customers could create a web form, control how it looked and worked, and do so without asking for our help. It became green square (DIY and easy). We now have some users that build and update their web forms on a regular basis, adjusting the way it works to maximise completion rates.
One new university is now on version 73 of their enquiry firm and it is a work of art, aesthetically and operationally. As a comparison, when we were managing these changes we rarely created more than 3 versions. Requesting and testing a managed change was hardly an inconsequential endeavour, and as such was a rare occurrence. It was blue square and complex before, and now is green square.
A quiet Green Square revolution
I created Green Square for our development team many years ago; we still use it every single day as a reminder to MVP our way to good product and coding decisions. It guides us whenever we approach the ‘Crossroads of Complication’.
I am pleasantly surprised when I get dropped a note from product designers and developers working in other tech companies around the world telling me that they too have adopted my simple matrix. :)
Dom Yeadon, Founder
Drop me a line if it fixes a problem for you too. My gift to you.